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6x8 IMGP0285,h18,224,cosh1,round flower cr
DOF 4-3_0285
Like the human eye, the camera lens is limited in seeing multiple depths of field at the same time. These next two images (0284 and 0285), display this perfectly. By turning the lens barrel slightly while using the same frame, the flower is viewed at two different focal distances from the lens. ~LSL
8x8 IMGP0281,h4,204,cosh1,round flower cr
IMGP0284,h18,224,cosh1,round flower
IMGP0285,h18,212,d8,xosh1,round flower,focus2
6x8 IMGP0285,h18,224,cosh1,round flower cr
IMGP0216,tall grass
LSL 4016,asters,pe10-levels
IMGP2036,waiting for the UPS guy,reeds cr